Aluminum sulfate

General characteristics

  • Aluminum Sulfate is a slightly reddish colored liquid. The product in solution is stable and completely soluble in water.
  • Aluminum sulphate in solution forms polymeric cations with a positive charge, attracting colloidal particles of water dirt, which are with opposite electrical charge and forming flocs that separate by decantation or flotation; the clean water is definitely potable with the subsequent filtration and chlorination that takes place in the water treatment plants.
  • Aluminum Sulphate is produced by the reaction of Bauxite with Sulfuric Acid; Given the composition of Bauxite, the product obtained is a mixture of Aluminum Sulphate and Iron Sulphate, both products with flocculant capacity.


Aluminum Sulphate is mainly used as a flocculant in the water purification process and in the treatment of industrial effluents.


It is delivered in bulk in tanker trucks.


  • Product


alumina, aluminum, coagulante, effluents, flocculant, purification, sanitation, Sulfate,