Sodium hypochlorite

General characteristics

  • Sodium Hypochlorite is an aqueous alkaline solution containing 10% active chlorine with approximately 1 to 5 g / l of residual soda.
  • It is a liquid with a yellow color and a characteristic odor.
  • It is produced by the reaction of chlorine gas with a solution of sodium hydroxide.
  • Product certified by LSQA according to UNIT 1224: 2015 standard for use in purification.


Sodium hypochlorite is widely used in the disinfection of homes and hospitals, as well as in the treatment of swimming pools. It is the ideal complement to Chlorine gas for the purification of water. It is recommended for the washing of fruits and vegetables against the prevention of all types of diseases, and is used in the production of various chemical products such as oxidants, bleaches and disinfectants.


It is delivered in bulk in tanker trucks



Safety data Sheet

Requirements for transportation

Emergency Card


  • Product


bleach, chlorine, disinfection, limpieza, NaClO, purification, Sodium hypochlorite,